Different Verbs For Different Occasions

For centuries, humans have been known to drink both sweet and salty drinks. The type of drink consumed also varies greatly according to region and time. A drink is generally a liquid meant for consumption. These liquids are the essence of life as we know it. In addition to their primary purpose of satisfying thirst, beverages also play significant roles in human society. Today, common varieties of drinks contain milk, juices, plain water and hot chocolate.

Almost every culture has its own version of the drink. Milk is perhaps the most popular drink in the world with almost three quarters of the population of America regularly drinking it on a daily basis. This drink is produced by combining milk and water which typically results in one of two end products – yogurt or cheese. Milk is known for its beneficial qualities such as providing calcium for children and strengthening the immune system. Although most yogurts contain casein, which is a protein that builds strong bones, most people prefer it without sugar or milk cream since it contains no calories and can be enjoyed by lactose intolerant people.

Juice is another common drink. It is made from fruit, vegetables, herbs and spices and is considered non-alcoholic although not quite as universally accepted as wine or beer. Juice also contains vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins and fiber making it an ideal source of nutrition for anyone who needs it.

Water is the clear liquid that most of us think of when we mention the word drink. As the name suggests, it is a very important fluid that replaces virtually all other liquids on the market. Nearly every country in the world consumes water in some way or another and in many instances, it is considered to be the only accessible liquid besides water. People bathe, brush their teeth, brush their hair and even clean their vehicles with it. As you can see, there are many uses for this substance and drinking water is the ultimate solution to dehydration.

The verb to drink is also quite simple to understand despite the fact that it is often associated with food. The verb means to take or consume; drink is obviously used to replace the more difficult verbs like to eat or to drink. Most dictionaries will translate drink as “to imbibe or intake”. When the verb is used in a non-linguistic context, it will usually have a slightly different meaning. That is why it is important to know the difference between the two.

One more word to memorize is the word tava. This verb means “taste” or “sake” but is used specifically with wine. It refers to a tasting of a sweetened beverage and is not related to alcoholic drinks at all. If you know these words before learning the rest of the verb conjugation, you will save yourself a lot of trouble when you get to conjugating your own language.