Keeping Your Cat Happy

The cat (Felis catus) is domesticedspecies of a medium-sized carnivore, probably a carnivore of arboreal kind. It is by far the only domesticated animal in the feline family Felis and is frequently called the domestic cat even to differentiate it from its wild forefathers. Domesticated cats are usually bred for simple purposes like show, sport or simply for their existence in pet registries. Domestic cats usually weigh around ten to fifteen pounds and are around one to two feet in length, excluding tail. Head of this cat is much larger than body size and it has a triangular shaped face with sharp mandibles and ears. It also has thick bladed forelegs and its teeth are arranged in a way that it has three types of them – a row of pointed canines at its back, a row of flat canines on its right hind leg, and a row of serrated canine teeth at its front leg.


The domestic cat is famous for its beauty and intelligence and also for its high level of grooming and care takers. This cat loves to clean itself often. One of its most prominent characteristics is its long whisker whiskers. These whiskers help it track movement in dim or dark surroundings. Apart from hunting, domestic cat is also said to be the owner of certain human handicrafts such as beads, buttons, sequins, fabrics and leather goods. However, these claims remain unproven as no specimens have been found so far.

The domestic cat is said to be tolerant of humans, but it can be quite defensive and does not like being handled roughly. So it needs a lot of attention and care. A young cat will not need any special care, but an older cat needs plenty of loving care. It should be kept indoors under a litter box.

Since scratching is a natural behavior of this cat, it needs a safe place where it can scratch, play, and rest. An indoor cat will require a scratching post, as it cannot use wooden furniture. It should be kept near the doorway and it would be a good idea to hang toys to keep it entertained when there is no litter available. A cat scratching post should not be big, just sufficient for the cat to stand and turn around on. Cat scratching posts can be made out of wood, fiberglass, or carpeting. The outside surface of the scratching post may need to be covered with plastic or aluminum foil.

Since kittens and cats are very active and curious, they love to run around the house. It would be good to make a scratching post, which could be placed anywhere inside and accessible by the cat. Placing the post in her favorite room would give her something interesting to investigate. A cat scratching post should be made of wood, as wood gives a comfortable surface for the cat, and does not hurt her. Cats like to groom themselves and it is easy for them to groom themselves in the house.

A cat likes to purr when it is happy or enjoying something. When you try to pet your cat, do so gently. Cats like to purr when they hear or see their humans smile at them. When the cat starts to purr, tell it “no” in a firm voice and pet her. She will soon associate “no” with something nice such as petting, grooming, and having her humans pet her.