How Does Fat Affect Nutrient Absorption?

The word food refers to any substance used to provide nutrition to organisms, usually taken from plants or animals. Generally, food is generally of animal, plant or even fungi origin, and has necessary nutrients, including proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, or minerals, which are required for the growth of an animal or plant. Plants use food to encourage the growth of their shoots and roots, and animals use food to stimulate their growth in order to survive.


When talking about food, we must take into consideration what it does for us physically. The majority of food consists of a combination of fat, protein, carbohydrates and fibre. Fat is the main component of most food, which provides the body with a number of energy sources, as well as providing a structure that allows the different components of food to be absorbed into the body easily. The protein provides the body with the necessary amino acids in order to build muscle, and carbohydrates provide energy, but are only used by the body for short periods of time before being turned into sugar. Fibre is the “bread” of the diet, because without it the diet would not be able to stand the test of time.

In theory, all food is created equal, however this is not the case. Obviously, plants cannot compete with the over-populated barns and farms, so they have to find other ways. The main means of doing this is through the use of fibres. These fibres are found in legumes (such as beans) and nuts and seeds (such as sunflower seeds). However, people need to be careful of foods such as those high in fat, which can be harmful if eaten in large quantities.

What makes up legumes and nuts is a combination of these two main food groups, which are protein and fibre. The reason why legumes and nuts are the richest sources of protein is because they are also the richest sources of non-protein nutrients. Therefore, it is important to get enough of these nutrients from your diet, as the lack of some will cause problems throughout the body. There is a lot of debate as to whether to include nuts and seeds in your everyday diet, or leave them out altogether, however it is largely a personal decision based on your preferences. If you feel that you want to include them, at least a few of them should be included in your meals.

As regards to fibres, there is not much research to indicate that they are not beneficial, but it would be more accurate to say that they are not essential to the process of digestion. If you consume a lot of fibre, for example, your digestive system will be less likely to become clogged up. This would allow you to absorb more nutrients in your food, including vitamins and minerals more easily. It is important to note that there has been very little research concerning the effect of oil and fats on the absorption of nutrients. Therefore, it is prudent to eat a wide variety of foods, in order to ensure that you are getting all of the nutrients your body needs.

Overall, then, it would seem that the fat content of the food has little impact on the absorption of nutrients. However, it would be a good idea to eat foods that are low in fat if you are trying to reduce your cholesterol levels. The fat content can be affected by the way in which the food is cooked, especially when it is fried. Also, the frying of foods releases the oil into the food, meaning that it is best to eat foods that are raw whenever possible, as the oils in the raw food can help to reduce the levels of cholesterol.